If I were to ask about what subjects do I really miss, it would be astronomy and astrology.

As a person, I'm really crazy about space, sky, stars, moon, the universe, the heavenly bodies, and anything related to them. Studying these things make me such a true-blue learner. I don't find any boredom flipping off the pages of any book about such topics.

I'm nut when I could hear anything about space. It's my dream to see planets through my naked eyes, but i could only see Venus for that. For the other planets, I have to use telescopes.

It would be a good experience, if not the best, having this star or sky gazing at night. For me, this hobby makes me relieved from any problem that comes along my way. Simply watching and gazing these stars makes me feel that life is really such wonderful.

We're here in the world for a reason. We should value what God has given to us. If only God would let me to make a wish, it would be a travel in space with Him. Seeing His lovely creations is such a great honor.

Stars, most often, egg me on to dream big. They are there in the sky sparkling and glittering for us to see that life is made with choices. Therefore, we have the freedom to choose between what's good for us, what's right from wrong, what's the best over the typical thing. You know...choices that make us keep going. After all, we have that freewill. 

The moon, in its own bets, opens many miracles at night if moon basking is your thing. It's moonlight beams all over the Earth trying to figure out how lovely are God's creations in halfway round the world. 

The moonlight that shines every corner of the other side of the Earth is telling us that there is time for miracles. Miracles which explain how wonderful life would be. How wonderful that we have got this life to live for! How wonderful that we have these people to love for! How wonderful that we have these bountiful and beautiful works of nature worth caring and preserving for. For in the end, the gesture of taking breaths to catch up life is a huge blessing. I bet we have still some more...  

Oh, God! Thank you for such insurmountable blessings.    
PhotoCcredits: Google


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