Internet is a free enterprise. Within the domains of this worldwide web, we can teach minds, touch hearts and transform lives. Indeed, the sense of accountability seems so essential for netizens like us. We’re being technopreneurs in the making considering that we trade ideas, subscribe products or services online, among others.

Anybody from all ages can freely use the internet. There are kids who enjoy playing online games. There are oldies who take time enjoying the advantage of social networks as replacement for circles of friends reunions. There are virtual stage parents who keep fraction of their time following the tracks of their tech savvy children through the latter’s likes, status, comments, tweets, and other digital trails in various internet applications. Above all, there is this generation of young Filipino netizens age ten to thirtysomething who take the lion’s share in the breakdown of internet users in the country.

Knowing such wide and diverse audience, it is very important for a typical blogger or internet user to take his full responsibility. He must think twice before he has to post any update to his accounts in social networking or microblogging sites. That is, it is crucial to remember this: Do not post anything which will cause regrets later.

Our posts are magnified a thousand times. We should bear in mind that we are so lucky living in a society with so much respect on democracy and human rights. We have such democracy in using the internet as a tool for learning and self-improvement. Apparently, it is not such right wherein we are bound to hurt other people or to provoke anger or dispute. Along with this freedom is the responsibility left to ourselves. This responsibility keeps us being grounded in making digital prints which defy the norms of internet protocols and societal standards.

In this generation where the momentum of social media is so much influential, it is very important to subscribe anything on the internet which has anchored to the canons of good taste. As internet users, we must think twice before we click. That is, we should put it into our heart and mind that we may not become vulnerable to internet risks if we keep fraction of our time to think twice. Our vulnerability to the downside of internet and social media inches closer towards us when we care for ourselves and others at the very least.

We are living in this Google generation—the generation which has introduced the world to the height of digital age. We are living in a society of tech savvy netizens who make the country a walking distance in just a couple of streets over.

Going back to the family being the smallest institution of our society, we have to picture out ourselves in the image of family members who enjoy freedom with responsibility.

If being a responsible netizens starts from our hearts nurtured in a family who values sense of accountability, we ourselves seem to benefit the most being an effective technopreneurs in this free enterprise—the internet.


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