Before I begin, I want to share with you this wonderful sky at high noon I captured after I'd met a high school couple. 

When there is love, there is passion.

There was nothing grand happened to me on Valentine’s Day. It was just a typical day for me, except that something unexpected came out unnoticed. And, I would not anymore lay down the details (shrugging off that invasion of privacy…hehe).

Well, my attention for almost a couple of months has focused on blogging. It is an unusual thing to me for becoming such a blog freak these days after several months of hibernation. I usually spend my free time enhancing my own blogs, blog-hopping, and other related stuffs.

Right now, I’m in that feeling when someone is really motivated to do something and to end up each day somewhat fulfilled. The good thing about it is that I love writing, which makes blogging more interesting. My blogs have become my outlet of self-expression. This is my way of giving voice to my personal take on anything I find significant.

I believe that, when someone puts his heart into something, there is love creating its own strings. It is such that someone doesn't have to be romantically involved with somebody else for him to give out love and to feel it in return. Love is made from anything worth-doing. In my case, I love what I’m doing these days. Period.

Lastly, I ended up my Valentine’s Day in the company of good friends and new acquaintances. We took dinner and shared laughter together in the round table barbecue party. That is, in this love season, it’s just coincidental how I rekindle my love for blogging. On one hand, it can be just nothing to someone else (kevs!), but this motivating point of my life is the result of how love really works in mysterious ways.

Indeed, I’m very grateful for this love blossomed from the passion I've made.

Before I forget, I want to share with you again this romantic sunset I captured on Valentine's Day as the sun started to set in giving way for lovers to enjoy the darkness. :)


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